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Thread: Spice and Wolf

  1. #1

    Default Spice and Wolf

    Im not generally into these types of series but i was completely captivated by this one in particular. If you got a bit of free time, its fairly short.

    There were a few episodes that really got me, you didnt just understand the situation and emotions the characters where feeling, you felt them!

    edit: you felt them as if it was you as the character.
    Personal reform

  2. Default

    This was on my long list of going to watch, bumped it up per suggestion of this thread.
    It was just as you said. Nice, short, and the emotions easily get through. Top it off with the clever and awesome wolfen goddess Holo ^_^ (or Horo, your pick lol)

    I liek, will be beginning the second season very soon. - anime | manga | reviews

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bane of Soldiers View Post
    This was on my long list of going to watch, bumped it up per suggestion of this thread.
    It was just as you said. Nice, short, and the emotions easily get through. Top it off with the clever and awesome wolfen goddess Holo ^_^ (or Horo, your pick lol)

    I liek, will be beginning the second season very soon.
    S2 is where it really kicks off.
    Personal reform

  4. Default

    A great show, a nice way to kickback from all the ecchi and shallowness that's airing this summer. The overall color of the artwork was also nice
    And of course, Horo was awesome

    I gave this show a 5/5, but then again, it's not that hard to please me lol

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