This is a stupid argument.
I'm done with this back and forth endless charade of retardedness.
This is a stupid argument.
I'm done with this back and forth endless charade of retardedness.
Last edited by Christmas; 05-31-2010 at 03:21 PM.
Woah this got out of hand, fast.
I was only trying to say that poolday_reunion suits better for a GG map, hence my request in the GG section. It is much better than the current version we use on GG because the spawns are further and you can't insta-kill the other team upon spawning. Since I saw that this was actually on the WCS server (I saw it through server info, didn't actually play it), my first thought was.. man... I think that's a clusterfuck and a half for WCS. I made a suggestion to either switch or copy the map to GG. I don't care if it stays in WCS or not.. but atleast I know the map is available for the ibis servers.
If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.
I wasn't aware that this version had free guns until you guys brought it up in the thread, however there is a poolday reunion for GG that does not have the free guns, which may suit beter for WCS too if you guys like to play it but the guns create a problem. I'll try to find the exact version tomorrow, as I have work soon.
Even so, you don't get a level unless you kill with the gun you were given at the start of the round or the one you level up to, so using the free guns would be pointless.
If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.
ahhh i c. didn't know there was other versions of it. and the WCS version don't matter anymore, already got a PM back from zero stating it should not be in the map list and is being removed as soon as he gets a chance.
Maynard - The WCS Guy
Last edited by XX0wnsXY; 05-31-2010 at 06:02 PM.
If you were a beautiful sound in the echos all around, I'd be your harmony.
lol people were liking it cause it makes them level up really quickly, but for sake of fairness its probably not good for Wcs.
i am not reading all of that.
its more then just leveling. its the sense that it is fun.
the only downside i see, with having it be a regular map, is that with a full server, while playing that map, the server may crash