Sounds like a pretty good idea to me
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me
This is the one thing setting this server apart from the rest, limited ammo with good settings and maps. This is the reason it had a decent chunk of regulars for so many years. The zm maps do need trimming, but we shouldn't cut the more difficult maps just because they are unplayed. I like zombie's list but think we should keep
I agree with his green and blue ones to keep, but these ones are some of the best old zm maps. I have no opinion over ze but can we not keep classic zm?
"To attempt to have intercourse with a hornet's nest is a very bad idea," Siv During Livh, a psychologist and expert
The issue is that if limited amo was enough to attract and keep players then we would actually have those players right now. The fact that the server is empty tells us that the current settings for a lot of things is not where it needs to be.
Honestly, I always loved limited amo. I never wanted to go to unlimited. However, I can say that over the last 2 years you have seen a significant drop in ZM play and when ZM is played it is just a disaster because all the players are expecting unlimited amo.
I currently feel that without unlimited amo ZM is basically unplayable for the fast majority of players on our server and this is why they do not want to play ZM on our server.
Oh so here is what I propose for the escape maps. For unknown I am not sure what player count limit would work best or I need to play this map some to find out. I have also identified some maps for removal. Please let me know what you all think of this list.
Map Players ze_30_Seconds__b21 15+ ze_abandoned_project_v1_2 25+ ze_accelerator_escape_final any ze_alien_shooter_v6_2 unknown ze_Ancient_wrath_v1_fix2 25+ ze_antartika_b2 25+ ze_ashen_keep_v0_3 25+ ze_ATIX_apocalypse_b6 remove ze_atix_extinction_b7 remove ze_atix_helicopter_fix 0-20 ze_ATIX_helicopter_uefinal remove ze_avenir_storage_v1 25+ ze_biohazard_manor_v4a_004 remove ze_biohazard2_rpd_v4e_004 15+ ze_biohazard2_sewer_v4c 15+ ze_bioshock_v5_6 25+ ze_blackmesa_escape_final any ze_blackmesa_lambda 25+ ze_boat_escape_jenz_v2_2fix remove ze_boredom_v543656 15+ ze_castlevania_v1_3 15+ ze_christmas_beta3d 25+ ze_christmas_infection_v2_3 25+ ze_crashbandicoot_v1fix 15+ ze_cyberderp_v1_4 remove ze_dark_souls_b5 15+ ze_death_star_escape_v4_3_z any ze_destruction_of_exorath_v8 25+ ze_doom_v1_1 15+ ze_doom3_beta 15+ ze_electrical_factory_v1 any ze_elevator_escape_jbg_final any ze_eruption_escape_fix 15+ ze_Escape_Stroggos_b4 15+ ze_fapescape_v1_2 15+ ze_ffvii_cosmo_canyon_v4fix 15+ ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3 25+ ze_FFXII_Paramina_Rift_v1_3 25+ ze_FFXII_Westersand_v7_2 25+ ze_FireWaLL_laboratory_part1_3 15+ ze_Flying_World_v1_2 any ze_games_v2_2a 15+ ze_gameshow_v1_2 25+ ze_gods_wrath_v3_8b any ze_harry_potter_v1_3 25+ ze_hobbit_escape_a5 25+ ze_Holmes_Escape_pf_2014c 15+ ze_hospital_escape_v4 unknown ze_hypernova_v2_z unknown ze_ice_hold_b2 0-25 ze_icecap_escape_v3 remove ze_icecap_escape_v5 any ze_infected_sewers_v4 25+ ze_infected_tramway_v3 25+ ze_infiltration_final 25+ ze_journey_v1_2 25+ ze_jungle_escape_v1_2 unknown ze_Jurassic_Park_Story_v1 any ze_laboratoire unknown ze_last_man_standing_v3_1 25+ ze_licciana_escape_v2 15+ ze_licciana_xmas_v1 remove ze_lila_panic_escape_v3_1 15+ ze_LOTR_Helms_Deep_v5 15+ ze_LOTR_Isengard_v2_3 25+ ze_LOTR_Minas_Tirith_v3_3 25+ ze_LOTR_Mines_of_Moria_v6_3 15+ ze_LOTR_Mount_Doom_v4_2 15+ ze_minecraft_adventure_v1_2c 15+ ze_minecraft_v1_1 15+ ze_mirrors_edge_reborn_v4_2 any ze_MotanumInc_OB 15+ ze_mountain_escape_v5_zf 25+ ze_naruto_v2_6e 25+ ze_noir_b1 remove ze_nomercy_revisited_v5_1 remove ze_outlast_v1 unknown ze_paper_escaper_v5_2_fix 25+ ze_Paranoid_Rezurrection_v11_9 15+ ze_parkers_pit_b8 remove ze_Parking_v2a any ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v3_6 15+ ze_Portal_Story_v3_1 15+ ze_predator_ultimate_v3 25+ ze_prototype_v2 15+ ze_Raccoon_Facility_v6b 15+ ze_random_v10_fix 15+ ze_rebicefacility_e01_v1 15+ ze_resonance_cascade_v3 15+ ze_rooftop_runaway2_v4 any ze_RTCW_Ominous_Rumors_v1 15+ ze_sandstorm_v7_1 15+ ze_saw_final 15+ ze_serpentis_temple_b4 25+ ze_sg1_missions_v2_1 25+ ze_shaun_of_the_dead_b3 15+ ze_showdown_v4_1 any ze_shroomforest_v4_5 any ze_shroomforest2_b6 any ze_sky_athletic_v5_final any ze_skyscraper_city_v5 25+ ze_slender_escape_b4 25+ ze_snowcrash_escape_vfixed1 25+ ze_somewhat_different_v1 unknown ze_sorrento_escape_v5 remove ze_sorrento_escape_v5_fix 0-20 ze_sorrento_night_v3 25+ ze_sorrento_xmas_v4 remove ze_stalker_ultimate_v3 15+ ze_stargate_escape_v8 15+ ze_sunlight_v2_0 15+ ze_surf_danger any ze_surf_easy_or_hard_new any ze_surf_facility_v3_pre2 any ze_surface_a1 remove ze_TeleportEscape_v3 remove ze_temple_v2_1 15+ ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix 25+ ze_thelostworld_redux_101j 15+ ze_titanic_escape_v2_2 0-20 ze_tkara_v1 25+ ze_toaster_v1_2 25+ ze_traak_b1 15+ ze_tyranny_v4 25+ ze_underground_escape__final 15+ ze_undertunnel_escape_b3a 0-20 ze_vaultofglass_beta 15+ ze_voodoo_islands_v8_cfix2 any ze_winter_v4 remove ze_z-m_zombie_slider_a1 remove ze_zombierig_ultimate_v3_1 15+ ze_ztastic_v2 25+
ze_licciana_xmas_v1 remove
Here is the list so far for the ZM maps. I have identified 41 maps for removal bringing to ZM map count to 120 which is more inline with the ze maps. We may find even more to cut but this is where I am so far. If you have player count reccomendations or maps you reccomend to remove please post.
Map Players castle_redemption_rnk zm_3_rooms_v3 0-10 zm_420_beachstrike_b2 any zm_420_office_v5 zm_4way_tunnel_v2 remove zm_abandoned_base_v1 zm_abandoned_mall_v5FF zm_an_2worlds zm_AnotherMapbyScarFed_v1b zm_AnotherUglyZmap_V2c zm_Aperture_District_Panic remove zm_App7e_BworldFinal zm_athletic_factory_v3_fix remove zm_bank_office_v2 remove zm_base_day zm_biggun_v2fix zm_blackmansion_v2 remove zm_boxhunt_desert_day zm_bridge_run_v1 remove zm_bumfight_v2 0-15 zm_catalyst zm_cbble_remix remove zm_cbble_xmas_v2 remove zm_cell_games_b remove zm_chateau_supreme remove zm_church_of_faith_b1a remove zm_churchofmint_fix zm_citylife_V2 zm_clouds_v2_1 zm_cocktail_v3 zm_corps_v9 zm_csk_4corners_b2 zm_czm_dimmed_remix zm_czm_modernist remove zm_dacha_v1 zm_darkrock zm_day_lego_v2_fix zm_desert_fortress_v2 any ZM_desprerados zm_druglab_v2 zm_duke3d_l1_v1 zm_dust_room_new zm_dust2015_beta3 zm_euronews_final zm_Fail_Inc_v4 zm_Fidlers-Green_b2 zm_firewall_aztec_a1 zm_firewall_samarkand zm_floating_rock_v5 remove zm_forgotten_town_ri any zm_fortress_b6 remove zm_fubar_towers_v5 zm_gameplace zm_ggodds_freefall_2015 zm_ghs_combinebase zm_ghs_construction2013_v2 zm_ghs_officepanic zm_ghs_townsquare2015 zm_gorodok_v1 zm_holdout_mountain_fixed any zm_hotline_miami_v2_0 remove zm_huntingbase_ultimate_v4 remove zm_huntingground_v4-2 zm_ice_palace zm_idm_freefall_v2 zm_idm_hauntedhouse_v1 zm_impossibru_LBP_v3 zm_industrial_b1 remove zm_inferno_classic_beta zm_Inside_The_Fortress_final remove zm_kitty_ftw_remake ZM_Krusty_krab_a3 any zm_legendary_mix zm_lila_panic_beach remove zm_lila_panic_beach_2 0-15 zm_lila_panic_isethen remove zm_lila_panic_reloaded_v3a remove zm_lila_panic_sethensv3 remove zm_lila_vacaciones_LatINs_ffix zm_little_city_v7_roy zm_little_italy_v3 remove zm_loki_horrorhood_v3 remove zm_london_v1_0 zm_lt_lila_atmos_beta remove zm_mall_beta_b1 zm_map_grass_v4 zm_mars_horror_b4 zm_mars_wasteland_v2_z remove zm_minecraft_v5 zm_mini_polygon_fwx zm_mini_polygon_v1 remove zm_miniature_room_v1 zm_miniplace_beta_v2 zm_monastery_v1_1 zm_moonlight_v3 zm_multi_pyramid_x zm_natalyas_ship_v4 zm_neko_garden_hs_v2 zm_nose_v5_fwx zm_novum_v3 zm_ocean_monument zm_ocx_orly_v4 0-10 zm_onadega_v3nn remove zm_outer_planet zm_panic_icy_v1 zm_paper_town_v1fix remove zm_paper_town_v3 zm_penumbra_extended zm_place_v1 zm_playtime zm_policeprison_fixed_rnk zm_poon_institute_b1 zm_portal zm_power_box zm_pulse_templeofdoom_final remove zm_pulse_templeofdoom_legend zm_radikal_stronghold_b1 zm_roy_abandoned_canals_new zm_roy_barricade_factory zm_roy_highway zm_roy_old_industrial zm_roy_the_ship zm_ruine_v2 zm_sky_roads_final zm_skyhigh zm_snoopie_711_final_fixed1 zm_snoopie_teleport_fix1 remove zm_sonic1_v2_ultimate(zmm) zm_space_base_z zm_spacestationflee_v2_fix_z remove zm_stab_town_panic_v4 zm_stairs_v3_6_1 remove zm_stranded_helper_fwx zm_suburb_survival zm_subway remove zm_terminator-disco zm_the_hive_b1 remove zm_the_lost_sanctuary_v1b zm_TheWareHouse_V1 zm_tower_of_resistance_v4 Zm_Toxa_West_v2 remove zm_tx_highschoolbeta7 any zm_tzuwaza_b5 zm_unpanic_v2 remove zm_urban_cargo_express zm_urban_downtown_final zm_vampire_medical_v3 remove zm_vc2_lila_town remove zm_veskerland_v1_1 zm_walled_city_v1_1 zm_westwood_final remove zm_wtfhax_v6b zm_wwt_twinsteel_v8 remove zm_x_dontfall_v2_fix zm_x_dontfall_v2_fwx zm_z_agroprom2 zm_z_army_depots zm_z_patch_fwx zm_zelda_skyloft_5_5 zm_zombie_resort_fwx zm_zombynas_fix3
Remove all these maps, Cant tell ya the last time ive played them.
Ok I just finished making the new map list with the player limits. Now I got to get the actual related plugins on the server and swap out to the new map voting system. Expect to see it in place this week. Once this s complete and live on the server I am going to start programing the bot mod but I am not sure if I will be able to finish it before Christmas.