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Thread: automated server rules

  1. Default automated server rules

    would it be a potential idea for us to have the server list out the common rules at the start of every round? similar to how the **CONSOLE**always says things in chat, can we impliment the rules to be listed via console chat at the start of every round? maybe while in the buying phase. something short and simple saying "Abide by the following server rules: No cadebreaking, no ghosting, no !ztele'ing from zombies, no barricading single entrenced crouch spots..ect" and at the end of the message could be a referal to view the full set of rules. i think it would be a great "in your face" thing for all of the Pl@Yers to be forced to see every round start to the point its obnoxious and imprinted in their minds. also there would then be no possible way a person can make the claim "oh i didnt know that wasnt allowed wtf" -because to be blunt, most of the server rules are vaguely explained to ppl in mid game and some admins explain them better / worse than others if at all.

    also, can we please have alltalk preset to 1 at the start of every round as well? an admin cant / wont always be around to be able to do things like this so it would be a good help for us all imo.

    ok discuss

    (mostly directing these questions at clan, anex & rezel in particular with you both being more zm zavy.. but anyone would be great )
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: google chrome ;z
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: iv only heard bad stuff about it
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: its just my default for opening links
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: i use opera
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: u use a black woman?
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: opera is a search engine you noob
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: o ..... XD

    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: ..
    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: excuse me while i go eat an orange.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    I don't speak retard... try again some other time.
    aNex <ibis>: Oi, cunt
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: haii
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: um... cock
    aNex <ibis>: HA!
    aNex <ibis>: You have no cum back
    aNex <ibis>: OH SNAP
    aNex <ibis>: I've never heard that before
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: EXACTLY U SAY NOTHING
    aNex <ibis>: You have legitmatley made my day
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    U know I'm always right. and deep down everyone knows it although admitting it is the second thing.

  2. Default

    Hell this would be better under the servers discussion because I'd love this to be implemented into WCS if it goes to ZM. I figure GG and Pub would also like it :P

  3. Default

    No. If they don't know the rules, they can type motd or !rules or check on the forums or the admin present can tell them or the players in the server can tell them as well. Lest they get banned, votebanned, kicked, muted, etc.

    The rules are present and available, all spamming chat and console does is desensitize the players that see it all the time and put another programmed burden on the server at the beginning of EVERY round while it's doing the most work as far as rendering goes anyway. Brilliant.

    TL;DR If a player doesn't know the rules, tell them. At the very least tell them where to find them, unnecessary programming does not have to be done because you don't feel like doing your duty.
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    your helmet is being shipped.

  4. Default

    Although I'm not clan lol, I'll offer an opinion anyway :P
    HUGE wall of text

    Addressing the thread:
    • This may or may not be of major consequence, but I think that even these "short" (not really....) automated messages will clutter up the chatbox, especially on escape maps that use console... and on which most of those rules wont even apply... and every round? meh...

      And the practicality of this measure may be countered by steam bans and other server messages that overlay these rules. I have doubts whether players would bother to scroll up and read them. And even if they are in plain view, there's a question whether they will read them at all.... we still have people asking how to use their parachutes daily.....when the server tells them how...... and does anyone truly scroll up and read server messages when you're buying or even after you're done buying your weps.....idk, but I'd be running

      I'm kinda contradicting myself all over this message, but that's because managing a lot of people and educating those masses about the law will never be a simple task >_<

      But in the end, I dont think automated server messages is the right way to inform the masses, and this traditional system of admins whipping the players into shape has worked well. As long as the admins aren't the ones in need of the whipping. An active admin with a good presence/authority and a strong grasp on the rules will be much better than the overflowing text spam. Plus, informing rule breakers has always been a part of an admin's duty, not solely enforcement.

    • Alltalk could be nice

    Other thoughts on things requiring attention on ZM:
    • However, I agree that there is a strong need for drilling the rules into the server population, I just don't know how to achieve this but through a short and intense period of high activity and large presence from sociable and knowledgeable admins and clan members. That's how I learned the rules within the first ten hours of ZM. No concrete evidence, but I have a strong feeling that some regulars have a big misconception of the rules. Even though the ranking system is easy to bend, I'd say you can't get into the top150 without knowing the server rules. Yet, I know certain players within the top150 who ztele from zombies, cade break, get tagged intentionally, exploit zspawn (and probably ghost while they're at it) and not completing the objective on escape maps (camping the zombies to oblivion).

    • There is still GREAT controversy around the two per crouch/vent thing. I think all of us walked away with different interpretations last fall. I personally thought it was abandoned altogether except for literal tubes (such as lila_panic_v2 tubes). Others seem to only apply it to spots that require you to crouch inside. Some believe it doesnt apply if you dont have to crouch while inside. Still others think that it be applied to anywhere that requires you to crouch to enter. Yet no one acts upon snoopie or texashighschool. One morning, I saw admins insisting that there be only two people in the vent on zm_citylife_v2. That night, a different admin was in there with four other players, and I see a player cry out against it, brandishing the ruling that the admins in the morning had made. Regulars and newcomers are getting alienated from the actual rule

    • Admins need to seriously familiarize themselves with their roles on the server. Sorry to doubt some of ya guys, but there's no way in hell im trusting a zm-only player that buys admin shortly after spending a month on the server. To add to that, some of you have never appeared on the forums before buying, never showed any sign of reading forum posts and updates (rely on secondhand talk from more responsible colleagues, or carry on without checking for server developments), and some of you have only been in server for around 1-6 months. Not saying anyone is unqualified (yet), but the admin staff needs to untangle themselves on certain rulings and how to deal with offenders.
      (This part is about idealistic admin'ing) Stop listening to the asshats egging on for a slay. Warnings are necessary, and even then, try to have some patience to allow the player to amend themselves. Use best judgement on the situation, a quick slay may be necessary to allow gameplay to flow smoothly and properly. But if there is no immediate danger, dont just slay them right there... Plus, admins should continue issuing warnings after punishment is dealt. Don't slay, timebomb, or freeze players, and then stay quiet and expect them to have read your warning. Pound it into their thick skulls.

    • Kinda map specific, but may be applicable in the future, but what defines an entrance/exit? For example, the house on desperados can probably fit over 10 people, and there are two entrances. However, one entrance can only be opened from the inside

    • I think people are confused by Rezel's thread concerning limiting crouch spots, and then the actual ZM Rules thread. I thought Rezel's thread was merely a brainstorm on the practicalities and consequences of limiting crouch spots, and that the proposal was abandoned and not made official due to impracticality. Yet the ZM rules thread seems to contradict this....

      That being said, will clan please issue an official and true stance on crouch spots/tubes and the restricting of occupants.

    :zombie mod rant over:

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Penis シ View Post
    If a player doesn't know the rules, tell them. At the very least tell them where to find them, unnecessary programming does not have to be done because you don't feel like doing your duty.
    uhhh.. no?

    an admin cant / wont always be around to be able to do things like this so it would be a good help for us all imo.
    I AM CONSTANTLY and carefully explaining the rules to the ppl in that server on a nightly basis. i am by NO MEANS too lazy to do my duty. if you were to ever go on zm on a night like this one, MAYBE you could more appreciate how extremely insane ppl can get in that server compared to any of the rest. why do you think maynard refers to it as the day care server?

    zm could use all the help it can get,.
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: google chrome ;z
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: iv only heard bad stuff about it
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: its just my default for opening links
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: i use opera
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: u use a black woman?
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: opera is a search engine you noob
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: o ..... XD

    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: ..
    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: excuse me while i go eat an orange.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    I don't speak retard... try again some other time.
    aNex <ibis>: Oi, cunt
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: haii
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: um... cock
    aNex <ibis>: HA!
    aNex <ibis>: You have no cum back
    aNex <ibis>: OH SNAP
    aNex <ibis>: I've never heard that before
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: EXACTLY U SAY NOTHING
    aNex <ibis>: You have legitmatley made my day
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    U know I'm always right. and deep down everyone knows it although admitting it is the second thing.

  6. #6


    why? is there not enough spam in ZM for you at is it?

    They should be proactive in regards to understanding the rules, we dont need to cater to 1 or 2 whiney adolescents. This all goes hand in hand with or punishment procedure, when a player who dosnt know the rules, breaks them... its the admins job to give warning and inform the player of there misconduct. Not ban them for days and weeks like we have been seeing lately.

    edit: also "Pl@y", All talk is a privilege.. not something that is expected, remember.. senior admin or clan dictates whether all talk is or isnt on.
    Personal reform

  7. Default

    Automated or not people will never really read what is written. most people even when u warn them only understand when u punish them. Example, you warn someone 2 times not to block after those 2 warnings you slay them, then suddenly they ask why they get slayed, i go into debate with them and mostly they don't do it again.

    1 # 1

    “Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    why? is there not enough spam in ZM for you at is it?

    They should be proactive in regards to understanding the rules, we dont need to cater to 1 or 2 whiney adolescents. This all goes hand in hand with or punishment procedure, when a player who dosnt know the rules, breaks them... its the admins job to give warning and inform the player of there misconduct. Not ban them for days and weeks like we have been seeing lately.

    edit: also "Pl@y", All talk is a privilege.. not something that is expected, remember.. senior admin or clan dictates whether all talk is or isnt on.
    if thats youre idea of helpful input then just stop right there because you have no idea what goes on in that server anyways. i dont hand out any unearned bans at all, and when i do ban someone its RARELY ever days at a time so call out the idiot admins that ARE doing that instead of lecturing me. I DONT see any excessive bans by me "lately"

    and why are you going on about all talk being "a privilege that clan or senior admin dictates"? last time i checked alltalk was preset in some of if not all of the other servers already anyways NOT TO MENTION i cant ever recall the last time alltalk was ever set to 0 in that server accept for times when there just wasnt any admin in there to change it, but oh wait you wouldnt know anything about that because you dont have any idea what happens in there

    banes & melts posts are the only ones so far that im actually paying attention to. o hey thats because theyre both zm regs and actually know what goes on in there. so in responce to both of your posts; yes it does seem like just a bit more spam for ppl to ignore and i can see how it could potentially just clutter up the server and possibly lag it. it was an idea i had and i wanted to suggest it. so if anyone else has any alternative ideas relivent to the topic that doesnt involve just telling the admins to just do their jobs right, then please id love to hear them.

    since its being forgotten repeatedly:

    an admin cant / wont always be around to be able to do things like this so it would be a good help for us all imo.
    ie; explain the rules to someone, punish people for breaking them, setting alltalk to 1 - this thread post has nothing to do with how effective zm admins are. more to the point that there just arent many at all to actually DO these things. i could count on 1 hand how many admins are there on a regular basis (and actually do the job) THATS WHY I OFFERED A SUGGESTION
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: google chrome ;z
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: iv only heard bad stuff about it
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: its just my default for opening links
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: i use opera
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: u use a black woman?
    R@y :: ibis.a Hangover: opera is a search engine you noob
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: o ..... XD

    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: ..
    †Jeimuzu(James)† <ibis>: excuse me while i go eat an orange.

    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    I don't speak retard... try again some other time.
    aNex <ibis>: Oi, cunt
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: haii
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: um... cock
    aNex <ibis>: HA!
    aNex <ibis>: You have no cum back
    aNex <ibis>: OH SNAP
    aNex <ibis>: I've never heard that before
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: EXACTLY U SAY NOTHING
    aNex <ibis>: You have legitmatley made my day
    Pl@YwithM3 :: ibis.a: xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdown View Post
    U know I'm always right. and deep down everyone knows it although admitting it is the second thing.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Pl@YwithM3 View Post
    if thats youre idea of helpful input then just stop right there because you have no idea what goes on in that server anyways. i dont hand out any unearned bans at all, and when i do ban someone its RARELY ever days at a time so call out the idiot admins that ARE doing that instead of lecturing me. I DONT see any excessive bans by me "lately"

    and why are you going on about all talk being "a privilege that clan or senior admin dictates"? last time i checked alltalk was preset in some of if not all of the other servers already anyways NOT TO MENTION i cant ever recall the last time alltalk was ever set to 0 in that server accept for times when there just wasnt any admin in there to change it, but oh wait you wouldnt know anything about that because you dont have any idea what happens in there

    banes & melts posts are the only ones so far that im actually paying attention to. o hey thats because theyre both zm regs and actually know what goes on in there. so in responce to both of your posts; yes it does seem like just a bit more spam for ppl to ignore and i can see how it could potentially just clutter up the server and possibly lag it. it was an idea i had and i wanted to suggest it. so if anyone else has any alternative ideas relivent to the topic that doesnt involve just telling the admins to just do their jobs right, then please id love to hear them.

    since its being forgotten repeatedly:

    ie; explain the rules to someone, punish people for breaking them, setting alltalk to 1 - this thread post has nothing to do with how effective zm admins are. more to the point that there just arent many at all to actually DO these things. i could count on 1 hand how many admins are there on a regular basis (and actually do the job) THATS WHY I OFFERED A SUGGESTION
    Dont flatter yourself, my post was in no way directed at you.

    Furthermore, before SM, all talk was an issue in regards to it being turned on and off by who ever felt like it. I sure as hell dont remember you being around then.....

    also, i never disagreeded with your idea, i just dont think it can be applied without consequences to the server.

    you get so bitchy when people disagree with you
    Last edited by DJ_MikeyRevile; 04-13-2012 at 12:27 PM.
    Personal reform

  10. Default

    Closed By request

    Stop flaming...

    Rezel<ibis>: i'll make a self reliant artificial intelligence to deal with admins... I'll call it maynard 1.0 a exact replica of his personality to kick the shit out of bad admins..
    maynard<ibis>: an army of AI maynards.... this pleases me.

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