Originally Posted by
thats actually the fastest and safest way to ban someone when u pick up their steam id to avoid banning the wrong guy, as some admins do...
it might just be me, from force of habit, but every time i play in ibis, I always have the following tabs open on my browser on my desktop, before getting in game:
-ibis sourcebans (in case of LUA hackers, instant perma ban using steam id, or to unban someone if i ever decided to do so, because i cant remember in game command:P)
-ibis forums (for posting ban threads or "server crash" threads etc instantly, without having to wait for browse to load shit in game, also so that i see if new ban threads are open and address them)
-ibis stats pages to three servers (this helped me find hackers a 100 times before, just look a random id and see if they played before (duh), it takes forever to load so i preload it)
-ibis link-to-demos (so that i can download a demo instantly)
-www.steamidfinder.com (use it to find ppl's steam id or profile page, or vice versa, in case i needed to do background research or see if he has another name used in ibis before.
-google.com (when looking up a random steam id to see if there are priors before committing to watching someone fishy)
-maynardGayTubeStreaming.com (in case I needed to contact maynard fast for wcs responses... it costs me a few bucks , and a needle in my eyes , but its effective.)