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Thread: Talk to your team only!

  1. Arrow Talk to your team only!

    You now have the ability to talk only to your team even when all talk is on!

    You need to enter these commands into your user.cfg file or one line at a time in console.

    To have a button that is used only for team chat for example: F to only send voice to your team.
    alias +teamonly "voicetoggle;+voicerecord"
    alias -teamonly "voicetoggle;-voicerecord"
    bind f +teamonly
    Alternatively, you can bind a key to be a toggle, then push the normal voice key to talk.
    bind f voicetoggle
    Or just say !voicetoggle in chat
    Last edited by ZERO; 01-26-2011 at 03:29 PM.

  2. Default

    Code has been updated

  3. Default

    Updated in that I rewrote all of it from scratch.

  4. Default

    Wow. Thanks so much for that Zero. I literally asked for that last night and it's already implemented. This is the perfect harmony for people who want to have the ability to be tactical without completely eliminating alltalk.

    As for it's functionality, here's what I found so far:

    Binding it to a key makes it perform the best. !voicetoggle in chat seems to turn it on and immediately back off again.

    For anyone having trouble, I bound it by typing this in console:

    bind mouse5 "voicetoggle"

    If you prefer a different key, type that in place of mouse5.

    This will result in that key switching you between teamchat only and alltalk.

    I have noticed that there may be a few bugs, as the key does not ALWAYS seem to toggle it on, especially in the first few seconds of the round. I'm gonna test the other way where you have a dedicated key for team and one for alltalk and see if that way works better.

    Last edited by WeApOn; 01-26-2011 at 07:08 PM.

  5. Default

    That is becuase at round start it reset everyone to have it turned off so that they are on the same slate. However I could try to change that to round end if you guys wanted that instead.

  6. Default

    Also the say command is probably broken b/c it id done a cheep way via mani. I will add support directly into the mod when I have time.

  7. Default

    No problem. Take a look when you get a chance. It's working most of the time anyway. It's awesome to finally have a feature like this.

  8. Default


    I like this functionality.

    A few points, if I may.

    The toggle doesn't work every time I hit the button. I'm using the button bind method for "voicetoggle". I just experienced a situation where it didn't work.We were on pistol round.

    Also, the MAIN reason I shut off all talk before was to stop the dead players from being heard by the live players.

    I really wish this new voice toggle shut off the dead players talking with the live players. It's VERY VERY disruptive when you are the last man standing and you have to listen to the bantering back and forth!

  9. Default

    /agree with Rico on all points

    The bind method works intermittently. I can't draw any common reasons why it works when it does and when it doesn't.

    I also agree about the dead people talking. On the pub yesterday alot of people were asking them to be quiet when there were a few people left. Not sure if it's possible, but if there's anyway to make the dead a separate chat channel, that would be ideal.

    Either way, the new functionality is much better than what we previously had.

  10. Default

    I'd agree that it is better than what we had before if I still had control over alltalk. right now, it's not better but definitely a move in the right direction and ultimately, if dead can't talk to live then it's better!

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