All configuration changes are now handled in that section.
Below is a list of things you can request to be configured:
- parachutes: on or off
- noblock: on or off
- Respawn: on or off
- Zombies: maximum number of random zombies that can be spawned at the start of a game (2 default)
- knockback: can be reduced as a % of original
- speed cap: this can slow the fast zombies down but only 1/2 works
- reduce speed: this slows down all the zombies it is done by a % of original speed, currently this is done on all escape maps along with the above option
- health: zombies health can be changed as a % of original, effects all zombies
- teleport: first zombie is telephoned
- physics: this is altered on every ze map that I install to allow moving objects to work. If moving objects are not working or if physics are messed up request this to be changed.
- Zombie Spawn time: Do zombies need to start later or sooner?
Map Name: ZE_ ApertureSceeince_Final
Enable: -
Disable: -
Change: Limit time of rounds from 5 to 8 minutes.
Reason: The maps ends before the objective is completed making the map irrelevant and items under way too.
Map Name: ze_Jurassicpark_escape_vi
Enable: -
Disable: Parachute
Change: Round time from 5 to 6 minutes.
Reason: Parachute destroys the purpose of almost half the map, round time needs to be 6 for humans to complete the objective
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“Language is a complicated thing! It has multiple meanings.”