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Thread: Virtus / Mother Russia

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by &&toasties View Post

    Seeing as:

    The wisest men take their own advice.
    I am far from being one of the 'wisest men,' my dear. Frankly people who always boast about how they know everything in fact know very little. Because it is impossible for any human to know everything.

    I don't see how I'm being immature in saying that you did something wrong. And then refusing to face the music. I find this a very immature form of behavior.

    Anyway, I have some very important business to attend to this week in NY. So all this Internet crap nonsense (when it comes down to it, that's all it is) is going on the backburner.


  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    I am far from being one of the 'wisest men,' my dear. Frankly people who always boast about how they know everything in fact know very little. Because it is impossible for any human to know everything.

    I don't see how I'm being immature in saying that you did something wrong. And then refusing to face the music. I find this a very immature form of behavior.

    Anyway, I have some very important business to attend to this week in NY. So all this Internet crap nonsense (when it comes down to it, that's all it is) is going on the backburner.


    Stop by my house, we'll go to club or sumthing
    Интернет - как жизнь, смысла нет, а уходить не хочется..

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by &&toasties View Post
    He didn't tell me that night, moron.

    He read what I posted on your profile and he told me instantly.

    And no, the GG drama has nothing to do with ZM drama.

    No drama has started revolving around me.

    So where ever you're getting this information...

    Hate to inform you, but it's incorrect.

    And I'm learning how to play ZM because I sat and thought one day:

    If I'm going to be a good admin, I need to know how to play all 3 servers.

    Hence why I am learning.


    And were always the one saying I should come into ZM because you needed more female players.

    If you'd like, I can find those old posts from you.

    It's your choice.

    yeah find them.

    I posted those way before I knew anything about you.

    But after all this, there is nothing in this world that could get me to tell you to come in the ZM server.

    I actually would rather have koolayed back than you.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by virtus View Post
    Lmao chelsy... you are such a fuckin hypocrate...
    lolol, am I? But aren't you the one starting all these admin abuse threads?

    first of all lets start with everything anyone says to u, u take it as a sexist joke about u..
    When people say: "Girls should be in the kitchen cooking not playing CS:S", I'm sorry, but if that's not sexist you need to go look up the definition.

    2nd.. everytime u come.. drama starts.. me and walter been playin all day today.. everything was cool.. as soon as u came.. arguing began.
    Arguing between Walter and I is always personal. Like an old married couple. And There have been NUMEROUS, and NUMEROUS means A FUCKING LOT, times where drama did not start until YOU came in. I have way too many people telling me I'm an awesome admin for me to believe otherwise.

    3rd.. u fuckin FAIL at GG server.. thats y u went to ZM and dont start that bullshit that u wanna make IBIS better and shit.. you just flirt with everyone so everyone would join ur side.. finally ppl started realize what a bitch u really are..
    I fail at GG? I haven't been playing long. lmao. And the reason I went to ZMod is because if there were, at some point in time, a need for an admin there, and I was requested to come, I need to know how the game is played and all of the rules. You know, just trying to be a good admin. I'm still regularly going to GG. :]]

    playin on GG server for almost half a year now.. u won 4 times.. thats sad.. even for a girl... I've played with girls who play less then u and they kick everyones ass.. u just sit and moan.. basicly..
    Even for a girl? Most times I don't even take the game seriously. If I did, I'm sure I would/could win more. I've been able to keep up with some of the best players there. And yes, I do suck at nading people. lolol. All 4 of my wins were by pure shit luck and accident. But, no, I do not suck entirely at GG. And as for the moaning, who is coming under my name and moaning? Last I remember, it's been MONTHS since I last moaned. And I mean like, I only moaned for a bout a month when I first started. I only did it with [FPS]Doug. Because it was an INSIDE JOKE. Something you'd never know about since you don't have friends.

    telling everyone to grow up... grow up urself first..
    I'm far more grown up than you can imagine. You just don't see it because you are too blinded by your own childishness.

    Replies are in red, if you can't tell.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    I am far from being one of the 'wisest men,' my dear. Frankly people who always boast about how they know everything in fact know very little. Because it is impossible for any human to know everything.

    I don't see how I'm being immature in saying that you did something wrong. And then refusing to face the music. I find this a very immature form of behavior.

    Anyway, I have some very important business to attend to this week in NY. So all this Internet crap nonsense (when it comes down to it, that's all it is) is going on the backburner.

    lolol, you'll never get it will you?

    You're just that dense.

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by virtus View Post
    I've played with girls who play less then u and they kick everyones ass.. u just sit and moan.. basicly..


    I fucking love music
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    Server rules
    How to report admin abuse
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  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by &&toasties View Post
    lolol, you'll never get it will you?

    You're just that dense.
    Yeah Chelsea, I'm just that dense. And you're just always right.

    Keep believing what you want to believe.

    Since neither of us can deal with each other, I'm DONE talking to you.
    Like they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
    Have a great life.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    Yeah Chelsea, I'm just that dense. And you're just always right.

    Keep believing what you want to believe.

    Since neither of us can deal with each other, I'm DONE talking to you.
    Like they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
    Have a great life.
    +1 on you having balls in this post !! *chest bump*

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by -=NYS=- C.O. View Post
    +1 on you having balls in this post !! *chest bump*

    Shit is getting intense!
    NY go get some popcorn ready... i'll get the o'douls on ice.


  10. Default

    where is my gorilla picture TURTLE???? damn man your late to all this drama.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

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