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Thread: Path Of Exile

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  1. Default Path Of Exile

    Free 2 play on steam, it's a Diablo clone and is very well done. This game is far more in depth than diablo though, or any other diablo clone. The skill tree is global, so you can basically access any of the 1300+ nodes on it with any character, though the character you pick dictates where in the skill node tree you start. The game is largely featured on picking a class and making your own build as you decide where 2 go on the massive skill tree. The Graphics are quite good and once again... it's free... if you like hack and slash RPG's.... you should check this one out. Basically all gear has sockets, and you put your spells that you find and get from quests along the way into the corresponding color sockets... which leads 2 lots of forms of spell variation and combinations.

    Skill Tree
    older skill tree shot... the one used now is actually bigger.

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    Last edited by maynard; 10-26-2013 at 01:05 AM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  2. Default

    Yeah it is a fun game, though without online play it's kinda meh.

  3. Default

    it has online play.... from creating private games, 2 world pvp events.... friends list, etc.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  4. Default

    Yeah but nothing like bnet, which means overall, you're going to be doing "meph runs" to get set pieces that ultimately you cannot show off to anyone else. Like I said it is a great game, and it has a huge leg up on diable anything (including 3 in my eyes because of customization) but unless you have people to play on a LAN with you a bunch (college setup LAN style) or something other than that, it's ..meh

  5. Default

    what are you talking about, there's massive amounts of custom games for people doing specific runs.... it's the exact same as bnet... actually it's better cause unlike in diablo 3, you're not making a game just based on a quest line... you can just generate a game, and name it what you want... like "high end trades" it's the exact same as D2... aside from you can add people 2 friends list by clicking on them... also the chat menu has a global chan, so there's people and chatter all the time. yesterday it was the 7'th most played game on steam... there's a reason. Not sure how long it's been since you played it, but I'm assuming it's been a while.

    it also has trading and you can link items in the global and other chat groups.... so yes, you can hardcore show off epic drops. not sure why I would need lan friends when there's tens of thousands of people playing this online right now.

    social board in town, full of custom games one can easily join.

    Random people in my game from just starting a game.

    game chat menu, which includes global chans.
    Last edited by maynard; 10-26-2013 at 03:52 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  6. Default

    Hmm fair enough. Did not know about those. I will try it again.

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